Students at Lompoc school fold hundreds of paper cranes to support injured classmate
After a Lompoc Valley Middle School student was hit by a truck, her friends and classmates found a unique way to wish her good health.
Krystal Thiessen, an English teacher at the injured student’s school, heard about the collision from classmates, so she encouraged them to show their support by folding hundreds of paper cranes.
“It’s just a Japanese legend where if a group of people come and build a thousand cranes – or fold a thousand cranes – and then present it to the person, or the family, they grant them a wish of good health,” said Thiessen.
Each paper bird is filled with notes of good wishes. Thiessen said nearly all 800 students at Lompoc Valley Middle School participated in the project. She said this was something she did not expect.
The classmates are now getting in touch with the family of the injured student to show them their gift.
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