Lou Ferrigno Hosts Legacy Competition In Santa Barbara
Fans were pumped up to see Lou Ferrigno in person at the Granada Theatre in Santa Barbara on Friday night.
The former Mr. Universe and “Pumping Iron” co-star played host to fans and bodybuilding competitors at the first Ferrigno Legacy competition.
Before the pros took the stage, they got spray-tans backstage and pumped some iron. The winners will move on to the Olympia competition in Las Vegas next September. Amateurs will take the stage at the Granada on Saturday. There is also an expo in the lobby with local and national vendors.
Ferrigno said he calls San Luis Obispo and Santa Monica home. Jack Lalanne, the late “Godfather of Fitness,” was a close friend in nearby Morro Bay.
Ferrigno overcame a hearing loss as a child and used to look at body building magazines and dream of becoming the Incredible Hulk. He worked hard to make his dreams come true and likes to inspire others to do the same.
In addition to being a fitness role model at 63, he said he is an active sheriff’s deputy in both of his hometowns.
He is also a family man who considers fitness and bodybuilding a positive thing for all ages to do.
Ferrigno said he skips sugar and fried foods and tries to eat right. He also lifts weights and does cardio five or six times a week.
He said consistency is the key to staying healthy.
For more information go to www.ferrignolegacy.com
The Ferrigno Legacy is slated to be an annual event.
Bodybuilding.com is streaming the competition..