Cal Poly Poinsettia Sale
Poinsettias are for sale atCal Poly University’splant shop open house onFridayDec. 5 and Saturday Dec. 6. The sale runs through mid-December.
The holiday plants are grown by students in the university’s Poinsettia Agriculture Enterprise Project.
This year more than 2,800 poinsettias are available in over 35 varieties and colors. The sizes range from small plants in four-inch pots to large poinsettias reaching four feet in height.
Prices range from $5 to $55, depending on thesize. Therewill also be a colorful poinsettia backdrop available for holiday photos during the open house.
The Poly Plant Shop is in Building 48 on Via Carta Road. It is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
For more information, call the Poly Plant Shop at 805-756-1106 or visit