Gas Drops to $2.99 a Gallon in Carpinteria
Gas prices at Risdon’s 76 in Carpinteria have fallen to $2.99 a gallon. Owner Don Risdon was the first to post the price for unleaded self serve regular at 11 a.m. as a tanker full of fuel arrived with over 3000 gallons to replenish his supply that’s pumping into cars and trucks fast.
One driver from Orange County saw the low price changing from Highway 101 and quickly pulled off at Santa Monica Rd. for a fill up on her way to San Luis Obispo with a horse trailer in tow. It was the lowest she had seen on the journey.
Risdon held up a picture from 2008 when he lowered prices to $2.99 back then and said it’s been six years and this time it will likely go lower.
Overnight, the price of crude fell again and Risdon says watch for another change within a week.
For the average driver he says, the fill up will be about $18.00 lower than what customers paid about a year and a half ago.
Shortly after changing the prices, all the pumps were full, and cars were lined up to be next to get the newly discounted gas.
Click here for the lowest gas prices in your area.
Slideshow: Gas Drops to $2.99 a Gallon in Carpinteria