Los Osos Valley Road Construction Begins
On Monday, construction crews were out on Los Osos Valley Road (LOVR) for the start of the construction that’s set to be complete in the summer of 2016.
Crews were out cleaning up the area and cutting down trees.
For people who live along Los Osos Valley Road, avoiding traffic can be difficult.
Anthony Pultz, has lives in a nearby neighborhood along LOVR, Pultz said. “It’s pain to try to run to target and have to wait in a huge line to get back.”
Daryl Grigsby, public works director, said “There is concern a bit (from businesses) but I also imagine they’re excited about it. There are people who don’t go to that area because of traffic. We’re hopeful a little bit of short term delay will translate into long term vitality.”
Pultz said during lunchtime and at the end of the day, “There is a lot of stop-go-stop go.”
“Neighbors got a notice in the mail saying there will be construction and there is going to be traffic delays because of it,” Pultz said.
Crews will widen the existing bridge over the San Luis Obispo Creek and build a new bridge.
According to construction crews, road closures aren’t expected until January 2015.
Grisby said, “We want to minimize the lane closures that’s part of the reason we’re going to build the new bridge first.”
Pultz said, “I think it’ll be an inconvenience for a little bit but long term is better.”
The construction will include one new two lane bridge over the 101 to add more capacity to the 52-year old overcrossing.
For more information or to stay updated with the project you can find LOVR 101 construction information on Facebook and Twitter. You can also sign up for email alerts about lane closures using the form to the right.
If you have any questions the project hotline is 805-858-9244 or send an email toinfo@lovr101.org.