Carpinteria Flowers Going to the Tournament of Roses Parade
A shipment of colorful fresh cut roses is on its way from Myriad flowers in Carpinteria to float builders at the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena.
They are part of a donation from California growers for the Cal Poly float.
This year the parade theme is “Dream Come True.”
The Cal Poly float is called “Bedtime Buccaneers.”
It is a combined effort from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and Cal Poly Pomona.
The growers were given a list from the Cal Poly float team, and they were able to send in specific flowers for the entry.
The float will be showcased in a presentation to millions of people watching in person and in a worldwide TV audience on New Year’s Day.
The Cal Poly float will have all California flowers. It is the only float that will have its entire display from the Golden State.
The flowers for Cal Poly are a donation.
“They requested bright oranges, bright pinks, and bright yellows, and so we were able to cover about 25 percent of what they asked for,” said Erik Van Wingerden with Myriad. Growers from San Luis Obispo, Monterey, and San Diego counties are also making contributions.
Van Wingerden is up early on New Year’s Day to see the famous parade and look closely at the floats.”I always try to find the Cal Poly float and find where my flowers are on that float,” he said. “It makes us proud that we can not only represent the Carpinteria Valley but also the State of California as a flower growing state.”
Slideshow: Locally Grown Flowers to be Showcased in Rose Parade