Gifts for the Homeless Holiday Party
Gifts are coming in for the “homeless holiday party” Tuesday. It’s being thrown at the Prado Day Center for about one hundred people. This year marks the 17th year of the annual party where clients and staff gather to celebrate Christmas.
Gifts have been coming in all year long. Prado Day Center and Maxine Lewis Shelter will be taking gifts all the way up to the party.
Community Action Partnership of SLO hopes it will be able to give at least one gift to every client. “Generally people do think of the smaller children this time of year rightfully so, so we are very well taken care of in regards to the children’s gifts especially the smaller children,” said Dee Torres of CAPSLO. “The ones that are forgotten a lot of the time are older like the teenagers and the adults.”
The party begins tomorrow morning at 8:30. Clients will receive a hot breakfast from Embassy Suites followed by gifts.