Free Reusable Bags Come with Holiday Surprise
Before the Santa Barbara plastic bag ban kicks in next year, many customers were given free bags today and some had a surprise inside.
Allstate Insurance broker/sales team leader, Bo Willis and his staff teamed up on a promotion at Tri-County Produce.
Customers were offered free Allstate bags as they entered the store, without knowing that some had $10.00 gift cards inside. At the register, the cards were discovered and customers were thrilled at the gift.
700 bags were brought to the store.
“We’re trying to stay ahead of the curve with one of the greener businesses in town. Allstate is trying to lend a helping hand to the community as well,” said Willis.
Tri-County Produce also makes a donations to local charities each month from a fund created by store savings when customers bring in reusable bags instead of using paper or plastic bags from the store.