Franklin Trail Open in Carpinteria
Franklin Trail is finally reopening in Carpinteria for the public to enjoy.
“Friends of the Franklin Trail” is a group of hearty volunteers who started the effort back in 2010.
Since then, they have partnered with the non-profit Land Trust for Santa Barbara County to make it possible.
The trail was closed in the 1970s when ranchers whose land it crossed became concerned about the transmission of avocado root rot on the feet of hikers and horses.
The first 2.25 mile segment of the trail opened Friday afternoon. This trail will be for multiple use meaning it is available for hikers, bike riders and equestrians.
As of now though, the trail is closed to horses and bikes until January 2014.
The trail-head is located at the end of Sterling Ave and Meadow View Lane, at the north end of Carpinteria’s Franklin Park.
Slideshow: Franklin Trail Open in Carpinteria