The Fate of David Attias now rests with a Judge
The fate of former U.C.S.B. Student, and convicted killer, David Attias, is now in the hands of a Superior Court Judge. After eight days of testimony, both sides rested their case.But before the hearing was over Attias took the stand. During his testimony, he was asked why he hasn’t apologized to the families of his victims.He responded, “I feel like I’ve caused them enough pain, and words cannot fix what I did, and I didn’t want to upset them anymore.”Back in 2001, Attias referred to himself as ‘the Angel of Death,’ after he drove his car into a crowd of people in Isla Vista, killing four and seriously injuring a fifth.A jury convicted him of second degree murder, but found him not guilty by reason of insanity.He has spent the past decade in Patton State Mental Hospital, and according to his defense attorney, Deedrea Edgar, he has made significant progress in managing his mental illness.”His mental disorders are effectively managed by medications.”Edgar is requesting Attias be transferred to an outpatient facility. “If David Attias remains at Patton State Hospital, he will not progress in this recovery.”During closing arguments prosecutor Paula Waldman said Attias is still a threat to society. “I ask you keep David Attias where he is, locked in a state mental hospital, and not release him, because quite simply, he is dangerous.”She believes he would not be adequately monitored in an outpatient program, and would likely re-offend.”It’s not a matter of if, but when. This is simply not a person we can risk letting out.”The judge is expected to make a decision by next week.