Local Memorial Day Services
Here are a few offerings to remember all active and retired military. The following are times and places for ceremonies on Memorial Day in South Santa Barbara County (all info is complete): MONDAY, MAY 28, 2012 9am Santa Barbara Cemetery 901 Channel Drive, Santa Barbara, CAContact: John Blankenship Phone: (805) 969-7676 9am Goleta Cemetery44 S. San Antonio Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93111Contact: John Parsons (Capt. USMC, Ret.) E-mail: parsonsgol@mac.com Phone: (805) 845-2454 Cell: (805) 338-7606 10am Carpinteria Cemetery1501 Cravens Lane, Carpinteria, CA 93013 Contact: Peter Bie (President, VVA Chapter 218 | Santa Barbara)Cell: (805) 259-9779 E-mail: peterbie@cox.netpeterbie@cox.net 11am Veterans Memorial Building112 W. Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Contact: Office (805) 568-0020 Barbecue follows at 12 noon / those who attend the service get first serve / Donations