Fiesta Security Plans in Place
Santa Barbara Police will be joined by officers from other agencies, and Sheriff’s Deputies to keep the upcoming Old Spanish Days safe for the thousands of people attending.They will also have portable stadium lights at intersections and alleys that are normally dimly lit to illuminate the areas and make them easier to pass through.Sgt. Riley Hardwood says some officers will have a special area of expertise. “We will have stepped up DUI enforcement, more gang officers, and probation officers,” said Harwood.Most of the law enforcement will be in the downtown entertainment zone, along with the mercados at McKenzie Park and in De La Guerra Plaza.In past years, alcohol related offenses topped the list of citations or arrests handled by law enforcement officers.Police will also be enforcing curfew laws for those under 18 years old who are out after 10 p.m. Senior Reporter John Palminteri has the story.