Hospice of Santa Barbara’s 37th Annual Light Up a Life to air on NewsChannel 3

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - This year, there will be two special showings of Hospice of Santa Barbara's 37th Annual Light up a Life which will air on NewsChannel 3.
Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB) filmed their traditional celebration of reflection, special speakers, poetry, musical entertainment, and the lighting of their Tree of Remembrance, featuring emcee Catherine Remak.
The special will be aired Thursday, December 24 at 11:30 a.m. and Sunday, December 27 at 2 p.m. on NewsChannel 3.
The holiday season can be difficult to navigate without cherished loved ones. HSB honors them every year with Light Up a Life.
Light Up A Life is way for communities to unite during one heartwarming ceremony to remember and honor the many that are missed this holiday season.
In addition to the two NewsChannel 3 airdates, HSB is giving the community an opportunity to dedicate a star on their virtual Tree of Remembrance for someone they miss this holiday season.
For a donation, the community can dedicate an online star(s) with their loved one's name, photo, and a special message.
Live trees will be displayed at each of the four locations: Goleta, Santa Barbara, Montecito and Carpinteria until the end of the year. HSB will make traditional paper stars in honor of each digital star donated and place it on the location of the purchaser’s choice.
“Light Up a Life is such a memorable tradition we have every year where we continue to share our grief for those we miss. During this time, we are all grieving, whether it be for a person or the normalcy of our lives. We have come together to show each other we are not alone this holiday season, even if we are not doing our in person events” said David Selberg, CEO of Hospice of Santa Barbara.
Hospice of Santa Barbara would like to give a special thank you to their partners, Ariel & John Bowers, NS Ceramic, Inc., Kenny & Elizabeth Slaught, Richard & Christine Joy, and Cottage Health.
To make a donation, or dedicate a digital star on HSB’s virtual Tree of Remembrance, please visit: http://www.hospiceofsb.org/lual.