A man with a big purpose and a simple message “You Matter” walks across America
AVILA BEACH, Calif. — The man behind “A Walking Testimony” made his way down Avila Beach Wednesday. Kyndal Edwards is walking across all four corners of the United States for a big cause with a simple message: “You Matter.”
Edwards has faced a difficult road of substance abuse and recovery -- now he says his purpose in life is to spread mental health awareness.
“There’s healing in movement,” Edwards said. He has walked for two years, over 5,000 miles and met countless of people who share their journey with him about mental health and recovery.
Edwards said everyday is a challenge but he wants people to have hope, and that if he recovered, others can too.
Edwards is documenting his journey on social media platforms and is working on writing a book. You can follow his journey on https://www.facebook.com/AWalkingTestimony2022.
For more on this story stay tuned on Your News Channel live at 4 and 5 p.m. today.