Voter registration soars at UC Santa Barbara
There’s no shortage of interest in the upcoming election at UC Santa Barbara. Students are registering to vote or changing their registration to their new address in large numbers.
“On campus we actually have over 4000 students registered. We just broke that number this weekend. it’s amazing,” said Justin Deckard, a voter registration volunteer.
Outreach teams have been going to the densely populated, and largely college student town of Isla Vista nearby. The population is estimated to be 20,000.
Door by door, they have checked to see if everyone is registered. At times, ” an entire house might be full of people and we get the entire house knocked out and registered to vote,” said Deckard.
The voter registration coordinator in the Associated Students office, Natalie Burrous has encouraged students to register and to understand there is more on the ballot than just the Presidential election they hear so much about. There’s also regional water, marijuana, and Congressional decisions just for starters. “Making students aware there are so many other things that they can be voting on,” is part of the message said Burrous.
A voter registration rally will be held Thursday evening in People’s Park located in Isla Vista.
That will be followed by more street outreach efforts this weekend.
The deadline to register to vote is Monday.
For complete election information go to: