CSU Channel Island Police Chief reforms use-of-force policies, joins 23 campus police chief pledge
CAMARILLO, Calif. -- CSU Channel Islands police officers will no longer use the carotid control hold to restrain a subject starting Monday.
CSU Channel Islands police will also no longer receive nor participate in trainings that teach carotid control involving putting pressure on a person's neck to control their movement.
This new action is part of a pledge done by 23 CSU campus police chiefs to follow the public safety recommendations made by Obama's President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing.
The task force was responsible for making recommendations on “identifying best practices and offering recommendations on how policing practices can promote effective crime reduction while building public trust.”
The recommendations were centered around the six pillars of Building Trust and Legitimacy including Policy and Oversight, Technology and Social Media, Communicating Policing and Crime Reduction, Officer Training and Education, and Officer Safety and Wellness.
These changes were made after a month of social unrest due to the death of George Floyd in Minnesota during a police restraint encounter.
CSUCI Police Chief Michael Morris expressed shock and disgust at the Minneapolis Police Department’s role in the death of George Floyd on May 25, and he wanted to take action as a result.
Chief Morris gave the following statement:
“As police chiefs of the California State University’s 23 police departments, we have been galvanized by the many voices across our state and nation demanding accountability, equity and justice. We have seen the tragic impact of racism and bigotry, and many in our departments have experienced it personally. We are unitedly determined to take action. As a group of chiefs, we’ve come together and are working closely as a team to advance our departments in a positive way. At CSUCI, we have worked really hard to build and maintain strong trusting relationships with our community. But I feel as though the tragic events that have happened around the country require us to do more to ensure we examine our own policies and continue to build trust to ensure that our community feels that we are transparent and responsive to campus needs.”
Police Chief Michael Morris, CSU Channel Islands Police Department
The police department has implemented many recommendations since Chief Morris assumed his role in 2017 including body-worn cameras and posting of police incidents and calls online.
CSU Channel Islands President Erika D. Beck expressed her pride in Morris’ willingness to take an honest inventory of the University’s Police Department policies to make sure they align with the recommendations put forth in the task force document.
The University says the carotid hold has never been used on the CSUCI campus, and all officers receive training in de-escalation practices.
The Department have also added a couple new police officers to their team. “We have made really good progress hiring police officers who are honorable, educated and reflect the diverse makeup of our community,” Morris said. “And I absolutely demand that any individuals our officers come in contact with are treated with the utmost level of dignity and respect. Any discrimination, racism or disrespectful treatment will absolutely not be tolerated.”
Chief Morris says he also supports individuals who wish to express their beliefs through peaceful protest. “We now find ourselves in a time where we need to intentionally and intently listen to our community, reflect on our values and evolve again. This moment gives us the opportunity, as well as responsibility, to do just that.”