Friday morning forecast October 1st
Temperatures are staying warm and well above average. The coast will stay in the 70s to 80s and interior in the 80s to low 90s.
Offshore flow is relaxing a bit, and there are some onshore trends as the ridge begins to break down. An earlier sea breeze and thin marine layer will move back to the Central Coast.
Weak Santa Ana winds will continue each morning through Sunday in Ventura County, but stay below advisory levels. There is an air quality alert in Ventura County through 9:00 am Friday.
Over the weekend, an upper low is pinching off and moving to the southwest over the ocean, shoving the ridge. The region will start with offshore flow in the morning and move to onshore flow in the evening both Saturday and Sunday.
By Monday, the cutoff low will move east and pass through San Diego County around Tuesday. Temperatures will lower to near normal and the marine layer will increase to valley areas with increasing onshore flow through midweek.