Assistance league of Santa Barbara provides free prom dresses to those in need

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- The Assistance League of Santa Barbara will be providing free prom dresses to high school students going to their big event.
The organization will provide over 500 'gently-used' prom dresses to students getting ready for their big night.
They will loan prom dresses ranging from bodycon, mermaid, off-the shoulder, strapless, pebum, sheaths and shifts.
The Prom Dress Boutique is located in the back building of the Assistance League at 1259 Veronica Springs Road in Santa Barbara.
They're open on limited hours on Wednesday from 3pm to 5pm through May 5 and from 10am to 2pm on Saturdays through May 8.
The store will require people to wear masks and school IDs.
Due to the pandemic, dressing rooms will be closed. Gowns can be tried on over clothes.

After renting the gowns, the gowns should be returned after two weeks of the event.
The dresses will then be cleaned and ready for the next person.
The Prom Dress philanthropy was started in 2006 to help make prom more affordable to all students.
Along with its auxiliaries, Las Aletas and Assisteens, the Assistance League of Santa Barbara’s 350 members volunteer over 50,000 hours a year to improve the lives of residents in the community.
For more information on the shop, visit