Fourth straight day of anti-Trump protests in SLO
Anti-Trump protesters have been hitting the streets in San Luis Obispo since Thursday. Protesters voiced their frustrations outside the county courthouse and police talked about their plans to keep things peaceful.
“I’m scared for our economy,” Trump protester Patty Welsh said.
Angry, frustrated and sickened is how Patty Welsh describes the way she’s felt since the election of Donald Trump.
“I don’t like the fact that we have a president that has absolutely no experience,” Welsh said.
Welsh doesn’t agree with the idea of building a wall and wonders what will happen over the next four years.
“I rely on a VA check, I rely on a union pension check, I wonder what’s going to happen to that, am I going to get social security, am I going to get Medicare,” Welsh said.
She’s nervous about things Trump has said.
“Do I like Isis, no.. like most Americans I don’t but I’m not going to say that one religious group is the problem,” Welsh said.
With four straight days of protests here in San Luis Obispo, the police department isn’t taking any risks – they’ve set up a command post at city hall.
“So this is where we brief all the officers about the expectations and how we’re going to treat the event so at this point everyone will get their assignments, where they’re supposed to be located during the event,” San Luis Obispo Police Captain Chris Staley said.
There were 70 officers on hand Sunday to make sure this gathering remained under control. Over 1,000 protesters rallied outside the courthouse Saturday. There have been no arrests so far.
“At this point, the demonstrations have all been peaceful,” Staley said.
“I’m female, I’m queer, it’s important to me that I live in a country where it’s safe to be me,” Trump protester Eleanor Johnston-Carter said.
“I’m happy he became president, I’m stunned that he became president,” Trump supporter Andrew Geftakys said.
Veteran Andrew Geftakys says people have a right to protest.
“I’m not surprised by the protests, I’m surprised by the veracity of the protests,” Geftakys said.
His views don’t align with the protesters but he says at the end of the day, we’re all Americans.
“We need to come together and try to make this thing work,” Geftakys said.