Trump supporters try to mend fences
On a bus ride to Nevada to help Donald Trump win votes, Santa Barbara County Republicans chanted “All right Deplorables USA, USA.”
Republicans didn’t win the state for Donald Trump, but they still feel part of his victory.
Greg Gandrud, a former vice chairman of California Republican Party Central Coast Region, took a photo with Trump on the campaign trail in April.
He said Trump’s victory speech on the election night set the right tone.
“I was impressed, I liked how he reached out, asking us to come together as one nation, and I thought he was gracious to Secretary Clinton for a well fought race,” said Gandrud.
Democrats are quick to say Republicans didn’t come together when President Obama beat John McCain or Mitt Romney; so why should they come together behind Trump?
Bobbi McGinnis believes Trump will eventually win them over.
She was a Trump team captain in Santa Barbara County.
“There is division right now, but I think it will be patched up when they realize Donald Trump is a practical man,” said McGinnes.
She wants to see him move toward less regulation, less taxation and the repeal of Obamacare.
Albert Mercado said he is not gloating but content.
He said voters just wanted a new approach.
They all feel part of a movement, and they hope to mend fences with neighbors who disagree.