San Luis Obispo County coronavirus cases rise amid business reopenings
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. - The number of coronavirus cases in San Luis Obispo county is rising, just as more business sectors are reopening.
Public health says they cannot attribute the uptick to any specific event or business sector. The cases are spread throughout the county geographically.
They are continuing to monitor cases and track the sources of the virus.
They also have a new machine called the Panther, which will be able to run 300 tests a day. Public Health's current technology has a testing capacity of 50 per day.
Friday, more business sectors are reopening with modifications. Those include bars, wineries, and outdoor recreation.
Pools do have more specific guidance, including limiting swim classes to four students.
Gyms are also reopening, but public health is adamant they do not hold indoor group fitness classes where people are breathing heavily in an enclosed space. Outdoor fitness classes are okay.
"There is a health officer order prohibiting indoor classes," said San Luis Obispo County Public Health Officer Dr. Penny Borenstein. "We are absolutely asking that fitness facility owners do the right thing, which is to not hold the exact kind of class that I'm talking about."
San Luis Obispo County schools are also preparing to reopen in fall. They are putting together action plans if a student gets COVID-19.
Schools will implement temperature checks and enhanced cleaning. They are also putting together distance learning options.
Public health is looking at brand new guidance regarding personal services, like facials, waxing, nail salons and tattoo parlors.
They are reviewing that guidance and will have more information next week, with the potential to reopen those sectors later in the week.