Woman faces felony charges for not returning VHS tape over 20 years ago
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NORMAN, Oklahoma (KTVT) — Remember VHS tapes? One Texas woman now certainly does after a particular tape came back to haunt her over 20 years later.
Caron McBride, a former Oklahoma resident, faced felony embezzlement charges for not returning a “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” VHS tape to a movie rental place in Norman in 1999.
McBride told KOKH-TV that she learned about her charges in Cleveland County after trying to change her name following her marriage in Texas. “I thought I was gonna have a heart attack,” McBride said.
“They told me that I had an issue in Oklahoma and this was the reference number for me to call this number and I did. Meanwhile, I’m a wanted felon,” she said.
According to court documents, McBride was charged in March 2000 for felony embezzlement of rented property. The location, Movie Place, went out of business in 2008, KOKH reported.
McBride said she didn’t recall renting the movie and believes it may have been an old roommate. “He had two kids, daughters that were 8, 10 or 11 years old, and I’m thinking he went and got it and didn’t take it back or something. I have never watched that show in my entire life, just not my cup of tea.”
McBride said she also believes she may have been let go at different jobs during those 21 years since the charges due to the felony showing up on a background check.
The charges were eventually dropped by the Cleveland County District Attorney’s Office after her story aired on local television. The district attorney said McBride will need to get her case expunged to clear her record.